Studio Vlog Ep. 02 // Alice in Wonderland


Continuing on last week’s theme…

The studio has been my saving grace these last two weeks of quarantine. Here’s hoping this is our last week!

I painted this copy of the Golden Books Alice in Wonderland illustration during my daily Instagram Live sessions which happen between 11am and 12n. I never really intend to create something 'finished' during this time - but it's giving me a lot of fun material to play with and I enjoy the break in my day to play with colors and forms.

The video below will premier at 3pm PST today. Watch it live then or tune in later!

web alice.jpg
web alice in wonderland.jpg
Victoria Smyrniotis

Artist, Photographer, and Designer based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Studio Vlog Ep. 03 | Botticelli’s Primavera Flowers in Oil Paints


Studio Vlog // Drawing the White Rabbit