Delicious Honey-Lemon Kale Salad

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Trust me when I say, you will be craving this salad after you’ve tried it. My sweet sister-in-law made this for me one afternoon and I’ve been making my version of it for lunch ever since! It’s super easy to make and it’s packed with a ton of nutrients. Even if you’re not a typical fan of kale, I highly recommend trying this.

The combination of salty-sweetness, with the brightness of the lemon, combined with the crunch of the nuts and the freshness of the fruit — perfection.

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Salad Ingredients (for 1)

2 cups kale
1/2 lemon
1 tbsp sunflower seeds
1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
1 tbsp sliced almonds
croutons (optional)
handful of chopped strawberries

Dressing Ingredients

1 tbsp raw honey
drizzle of olive oil
juice of half a lemon
Himalayan pink salt or Celtic salt
dash of pepper
pinch of crushed red pepper

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Instructions —

  1. Prepare the kale. Cut out the stems.

  2. Massage kale with olive oil and salt.

  3. Add toppings.

  4. Warm honey in microwave until liquid.

  5. Mix honey with lemon and more oil. Add pepper to taste.

  6. Drizzle honey mixture on top.

  7. Toss salad.

  8. Serve and enjoy!

Victoria Smyrniotis

Artist, Photographer, and Designer based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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